Go here:
and sign up for free!
(Or just a lil something
to read)
7/20/00 New Links Added!
If you want me to put up your site, email me or stick it in the guestbook!
New Facts Added! Please tell your friends about my site!
Whoopee!! We're up and running! I still have to fix a few things,
but please drop by and sign the guestbook! Thankz, itz such a relief
to see my site up!! =)
6/30/00 Oh good! My site's finally pulling apart, not yet, but almost!
Check out what I have so far! (If I have anything)
6/19/00 Wow! School's out.. I still can't believe it! Now I have so
much free time in my hands! Whoopee! Hehe.. I'm ok.. Oh yeah, a Find-It
was added! =)
6/19/00 Nothing Much, but that's only because I started the web site
2day! Like it? Probably not, but new things will come in the future!
I'll work on it in the summer, update in the school year, and re-model
in the next summer! Ok? =O) hehe.

"Run Doggie, Run!"
Dogs are cute, don't you think? =P
you find the cupcake on one of the other pages? Once you do, click
the cupcake and you'll get a prize!
=) Good Luck!