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to the Kool Facts section.. Every week I'll post up a new fact!
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Owls are one of the only birds that can see blue!
In the Lion King, the stampede scene took about 2 and a half years!
If you observe closely, you'll notice that there are multi-colored
wings and orange wings on a hummingbird. A female has multi-colored
wings while a male bird has orange wings.
(From LilsAffiLi)
Vultures sometimes eat way too much and they can't take off again.
If you get a lot of mosquito bites, consider yourself tasty! Mosquitoes
like tasty people, yum!
Did you know that if you want to find out if a number is divisible
by 3, then add the digits together. If the sum is divisable by 3,
then the number is, too! Confused? <Can you divide 345 into 3's?
Yes. 3+4+5=12. 12 is divisable by 3. Kool, huh? Now you just have
to figure out what 345/3 is..